Welcome to my blog. I’m Chloe, a 25 year old neonatal nurse from Retford. So.. a little bit about me.. My hobbies including D&D, sewing, reading and going on nice walks. My favourite foods are cheese and chocolate, I consume a lot more than is recommended! In terms of films.. my favourite is Bridget Jones’ Diary, Sex and the city, marvel, ALL the harry potter films and pretty much anything with Leonardo Dicaprio. Favourite TV series to watch is usually anything gripping such as Good Girls, You, Line of Duty etc. I live with my boyfriend Kieran, who will be mentioned in my blog posts :). In this blog, I will be speaking openly about my experiences with mental health issues, including depression, phobias, anxiety and OCD. There will also be snippets of my life included. I will more than likely throw in some random topics of interest from time to time! Hope you enjoy reading! xoxo